
Local Tradesmen
Planning & Building Control

Featured Traders in Lancashire

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Other Traders in Lancashire

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  • W Greer

    based in Preston
    Tel: 01772 626720

  • No 1 24 Hour Emergency Boarding Up Servive

    based in Chorley
    Tel: 01257 795477

  • Beechfield Landscapes

    based in Chorley
    Tel: 01257 450577

  • I & D Cleaning Services

    based in Preston
    Tel: 01772 511868

  • Cam Construction

    based in Wyre Council
    Tel: 01253 851243

  • CAB Plastering

    based in Wyre Council
    Tel: 01253 312102

Lancashire planning and regulation links

Lancashire is famous for it's historic cotton mills and cobbled streets. Like all counties in the UK there are specific Building Regulations for areas within the county.

Planning Information & Building Regulations

Most new buildings or major changes to existing buildings or to the local environment need consent -
known as planning permission. Without a planning system everyone could construct buildings or use
land in any way they wanted, no matter what effect this would have on other people who live and
work in their area.

Your local planning authority is responsible for deciding whether a development - anything from an
extension on a house to a new shopping centre - should go ahead. Find your local planning office here:

Regional links